Urban Wetlands Documentary Video

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

This film links the loss of urban/suburban wetlands to “Nature Deficit Disorder” and its associated dangers for today’s children. What Robert Pyle calls the “extinction of experience” with nature has become a central issue for governments, child welfare organizations, and parents and teachers. This film’s goal is to help raise awareness about the importance of nature connections for children, and the role that urban/suburban wetlands can play in providing nearby nature.

The video features interviews with three nationally recognized spokespeople:

  • Joan Almon: founder and president, Alliance for Childhood
  • Richard Louv: journalist and author of Last Child in the Woods, Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder
  • Robert Pyle: ecologist, lover of nature, and author of five books including The Thunder Tree, Lessons from an Urban Wildland

ECOS was responsible for all aspects of filmmaking, including storyboarding, scripting, directing, videography, editing, and graphic design, along with creative partner, Tamarack Media.


  • National Association of Interpretation 1st Place: Short Video Category, 2009
  • International Wildlife Media Center & Film Festival (IWFF) Merit Award, 2009
  • Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (MarCom) AVA Platinum Award: Government/Educational Category, 2008