Chautauqua Historic Panels

Chautauqua Park (Boulder, CO)

A National Historic Landmark, the Colorado Chautauqua is a living remnant of a major American social movement of the early 20th century. The site is beloved in Boulder and far beyond for its natural beauty, cultural programming, and community experience.

ECOS began work with the Colorado Chautauqua Association in 2007, completing an interpretive plan and master signage program that includes both interpretive and wayfinding programs for the 40-acre historic site. Phase I implementation includes 14 signs that reflect the colors, styles, and materials of the period of significance (1898-1930).

Areas of historic research included typography, graphic design, photography, and stories (content). ECOS completed all concept development, text writing, design and layout, fabrication, and installation.

View Chautauqua Digital Project